There’s a disconnect between health tech and the people it’s supposed to help

As healthcare technology continues to advance and modernize, many have noted an increasing disconnect between the intended beneficiaries of health tech and those who actually benefit from it. For healthcare technology to be accepted and successful, it is essential to create an environment where people feel comfortable with the technology’s interaction with their health.

The problem exists because not enough resources and research have been put into the development of healthcare technology. Too often, people are expected to simply learn how to interact with it on their own, with no support. As a result, many do not feel comfortable using it. People may be resistant to technology that they don’t understand or that is too complicated, and this can lead to distrust in the technology and its outcomes.

Further, most healthcare technology development focuses on technology for the providers and healthcare professionals rather than the patient, and this often leads to a mismatch between the user needs of the patient and the capabilities of the technology. For example, many healthcare systems rely on electronic medical records, but the technological interface is often created with little thought for the layperson. For those who are unfamiliar with the technology, this can be a difficult barrier to overcome.

In order to bridge the disconnect between health tech and the people it’s supposed to help, developers and providers need to ensure that they are creating healthcare technology that is designed with the patient in mind. In addition, it is important to provide people with the support and resources to understand and use the technology correctly. This can include providing educational materials and patient support programs, and emphasizing user-friendly design that allows patient to use the technology with confidence.

By making sure that health tech is accessible and user-friendly, the gap between patients and health technology can be narrowed and the potential of the technology can be realized, ultimately leading to better health outcomes.

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