Your office Microsoft Teams meetings could actually be a bit more fun now

Your office Microsoft Teams meetings could actually be a bit more fun now

With our homes becoming offices, the daily Microsoft Teams meetings that we attend have started feeling mundane. After all, hearing ‘it’s been a while since we all saw each other’ 11 times a day can take its toll.

However, little changes can make those Microsoft Teams meetings much more fun. Say goodbye to the ‘invisible’ workdays and say hi to a few opportunities to enjoy the group video chats. Let’s have a look at a few tips:

1. Arrange for some fun activities:

Organize for some fun activities that your teammates can take part in. This could include a few questions related to your team or some drawing or singing contests and the likes. Or even a quiz show or Kahoot session. Anything that adds that extra bit of fun to the talks. Sure, this might take a bit of effort, but it would bring much-needed life to the video conferences.

2. Introduce casual conversation starters:

Ask your team to prepare a conversation starter in advance. Make sure it’s a casual one, without anything to do with work or related to some painful topics. This can be about everyone’s favorite cuisine or their hobbies or jokes. Everyone can take turns introducing themselves with their prepared conversations and this could be a fun way to keep the conversations lively.

3. Start with a few light jokes:

A few light jokes or stories can be a nice way to start the teams meeting. It can lighten the atmosphere and make everyone feel comfortable around each other which is important, especially for remote teams. Of course, all jokes should adhere to the office’s policy of a healthy, safe and non-discriminatory environment.

4. Take feedback and suggestions:

Allow everyone to give in their opinion. Many people many times tend to feel left out in teams meetings. Whenever someone expresses something – whether it is a suggestion or feedback- let everyone show their appreciation and accept it. Not just that, if possible, it could be implemented and discussed.

Making virtual meetings a bit more fun doesn’t have to be a daunting task. All it takes is a few bits of effort to make sure everyone is at ease and to come up with ideas that can break the monotony. A little effort put in can do a lot to ensure that the team doesn’t lose their enthusiasm over the long haul.

So, make sure you make the best of your Microsoft Teams meetings the next time and make it much more enjoyable for everyone!

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