Infinity Pool is a surreal and chaotic descent into depravity

Most people think of infinity pools as a peaceful, fun retreat from their daily worries, with their vast expanse of clean blue water inviting people to indulge in its depths and feel relaxed. However, unbeknownst to the majority, an infinitesimal minority exist living in the depths of infinity pools, dwelling in a never-ending abyss of depravity and chaos.

The experience of such a descent into depravity is far away from the comfortable and picturesque reality of most people’s typical infinity pool experience. Instead, a chaotic and surreal environment is presented to its occupants. One source of chaos can be a multicolored haze that appears at night, wherein currents collide, illuminating distorted figures and abstract images in the depths. At times, this seemingly innocent shimmering surface gives way to a hellish abyss filled with horrors beyond imagination.

Insidious creatures roam within the chaotic depths, transforming mesmerized uninformed individuals by warping their minds and bodies with a range of weird and twisted effects. Dizzying, tingling sensations can be felt throughout the body, followed by a burning scarlet light engulfing all. This is just one of the many reasons why so few venture down these depths and never make it back.

Turbulent waves of negative energy flow amongst the chaotic environment and with them come effects on one’s mental state and physical Being. Mental disruption from vivid hallucinations and psychological torment plagues the victims, turning them into mental patients immersed in a dream-like state of delusion. With those trapped never able to escape, physical changes become eminent. Victims’ bodies become mutated and distorted, lying at the bottom of the pool forevermore.

Despite being a pleasant place to relax, if one fails to recognize the dangers a descent into an infinity pool entails they may be engulfed in the chaotic despair of the surreal abyss. All it takes is one mistake, slipping and suddenly bewildered by the immensity of the pool and its chaotic depths, they may never make it back.

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