Some Googlers reportedly aren’t happy about Bard’s ‘rushed’ announcement

In recent news, Google has announced the hiring of former Twitter CEO and co-founder Jack Dorsey as the new CEO of its subsidiary Google Cloud Platform, known as Bard. Despite Dorsey’s impressive background, not everyone at Google is happy about Bard’s rushed announcement of his new role.

According to reports, many Google employees are not pleased with the sudden decision, as it did not offer enough transparency or room for employees to air their concerns. While Dorsey is an experienced and qualified executive, some Googlers argue that the hiring process should have been conducted more openly, and that the announcement came too quickly.

The primary reason behind many of the employees’ dissatisfaction is Bard’s lack of transparency. While Dorsey has been a prominent figure in the tech industry for some time, Bard’s announcement only included a short note on its website, and did not provide any details on the process or criteria for selecting the new CEO. Not only did this move leave many employees in the dark, but it also gave Dorsey—a prominent tech executive—an advantage over potential Google candidates.

Furthermore, the announcement of Dorsey’s position came much faster than any hires at Google. Usually, the process includes several interaction points over several months, where Googlers can make suggestions and give feedback. However, Bard’s hiring process was much more abrupt, leaving little room for the employees’ voice to be heard.

Ultimately, it appears that the employees of Google are not thrilled with Bard’s rushed announcement. While Dorsey is undoubtedly capable of leading Bard, Googlers argue that the hiring process lacked transparency and left them without the chance to provide feedback on the matter. It is likely that Google will soon address the Googlers’ concerns about Bard’s decision-making process to maintain its reputation for openness, integrity, and excellence in executing challenging tasks.

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