Ford Lightning production to remain halted for another week

Ford Lightning production to remain halted for another week

The iconic Ford Lightning pickup truck is reportedly set to remain out of production for another week. This news comes as a blow to fans of the classic truck, who were recently expecting production to resume.

The decision to halt production was made last week, with Ford citing “temporary parts supply issues” as the reason. This development has caused a great deal of frustration and confusion amongst the passionate fanbase of the popular vehicle. In particular, there have been many questions as to why this issue was not addressed and a resolution found before Ford made the decision to halt production.

The current halt is believed to be related to Ford’s decision to switch production of the Lightning truck to Canada. While the company has not provided any official comment on this move, it is believed that it was done to reduce labor costs. As a result, new parts for the truck have to be sourced, which has caused the current supply issue.

In the meantime, many are wondering what will happen to the people who currently have orders for the truck. Some of them were expecting to receive their vehicles as soon as this week, so the current news comes as a big disappointment.

At this time, it appears that the only thing fans can do is wait and see. Hopefully Ford will be able to resolve the parts supply issues and resume production in the next week. Until then, the pickup truck community can only sit and wait with bated breath.

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