Windows 7 users are finally abandoning ship – but not for Windows 11

Windows 7 users are finally abandoning ship – but not for Windows 11

As the world continues its advancement into a technological-heavy society and more and more users move to the latest technological offerings, Windows 7 users have been slow to make the switch, clinging to their much-loved OS for dear life. Yet as the end of support for Windows 7 looms ever closer, users are finally abandoning ship, but not necessarily for Windows 11 Windows 10 being the new ‘bread and butter’ of the Windows universe.

When the first public version of Microsoft’s next installment in the Windows franchise, Windows 10, was released on July 29th 2015, some users clung to their beloved Windows 7, and even those who upgraded to 10 still kept their 7 in the back of their minds. With the familiar Start Menu, increased privacy and reduced hassle than Windows 8 predecessor, it seemed to resonate with those tired of the touch-screen focused OS, fuelling its consistent usage over the years.

However, with the end of Windows 7 support around the corner in January 2020, the world’s Windows 7 users must finally face facts and recognize a need to move on if they want to keep their computer safe and functioning at its best.

Yet the shift away from Windows 7 appears to be making many people nervous, and as a result, many now increasingly being drawn Windows 10 as the much more logical replacement. Unveiling many of the same features as 7 that users grew to love, 10 also offers a lot of new benefits. These include the Cortana AI assistant, regular updates, the ability to be able to read documents on the go with Microsoft Edge browser and much more.

Part of the reason for this exponential jump in users moving from 7 to 10 could be attributed to the ease at which people can upgrade – Microsoft have made it incredibly easy for users to move from 7 to 10 at no cost, with a simple Windows Update notification and no need to buy a new version of the OS.

For older computers, the security patch dropping with the end of support for 7 could spell disaster, potentially making them vulnerable to viruses and lost data. An upgrade to 10 can be key to help avoid the potential onslaught of malicious software and preserve your computer’s safety.

It’s clear to see that the end of the road for Windows 7 is finally almost upon us, but that doesn’t mean that the trusty old OS has been forgotten – Windows 10 looks to be the logical replacement, and is quickly gaining a substantial army of upgraded users just in time.

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