C’mon Microsoft, even the makers of Fallout New Vegas want a remaster

C’mon Microsoft, even the makers of Fallout New Vegas want a remaster

Microsoft is no stranger to the remaster industry. The Xbox One has an impressive line-up of remade versions of classic games that have existed on the Xbox 360, like Gears of War, Halo, and Fable. Although, one title seems to have been overlooked and has left many fans scratching their heads; Fallout New Vegas.

Fallout New Vegas was released for the Xbox 360 back in 2010 and was praised for its unique story and rich RPG mechanics. It was developed by Obsidian Entertainment and published by Bethesda Game Studios for the Xbox 360. Since release, the game has remained one of the most beloved Fallout titles to come out of the franchise and enjoys a strong following from devoted fans. Recently, the demand for Microsoft to remaster the game has increased, with Obsidian’s co-founder expressing his personal desire to see it happen.

The developer is not the only one asking Microsoft to remaster the game. Fans have also taken to social media to express their interest in a remaster, as well as writing to Microsoft directly to plead their case. The demand has grown to such an extent that a petition was launched by a Fallout New Vegas fan in March of 2018, which with over 85,000 signatures, is a testament to the continued following the game has even years after its release.

Despite the strong fan demand, however, Microsoft has remained largely silent on the issue of a Fallout New Vegas remaster. In fact, there has been no indication of the game being remastered in the near future.

Given the strong fan demand and vocal interest from Obsidian Entertainment, the developer who created the game, Microsoft would benefit from giving into fan demands and remastering the game. Not only would this make fans happy, but it would also give Microsoft an opportunity to bring the beloved Fallout title back to modern systems and introduce it to a new generation of gamers.

It’s time for Microsoft to finally give into fan demand and give Fallout New Vegas the remaster it deserves.

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