Apple, Atari, and Commodore, oh my! Explore a deluxe home vintage computer den

Apple, Atari, and Commodore, oh my! Explore a deluxe home vintage computer den

If you love vintage computers, then the idea of a ‘deluxe home vintage computer den’ is sure to be right up your alley. Picture this—a comfortable corner of the house devoted solely to your favorite vintage computers and their games, accessories and creations.

The idea of such a den can be fully embraced in three major computers: Apple, Atari, and Commodore. In this den, you can have all the original vintage hardware and software, ready to be hooked up to a modern monitor or TV and run.

First in the den would be an Apple computer. One could seek out an Apple II, Apple II Plus or Apple IIe. With these machines, various cartridges that plug into the game I/O port can be found to provide even more varieties of games. Other hardware such as game paddles, light pens, and of course the legendary Apple keyboard, whole open up a world of possibilities.

Next is the legendary Atari computer. The 8-bit lovingly dubbed the ‘XL/XE’ series are perhaps the flagship system in the home vintage computer den. With games like Star Raiders, Moon Patrol and Space Invaders to choose from, you can almost relive the golden age of arcade gaming. Of course, you can also find more modern titles such as Mario Bros and Pac-man in many versions available on cartridges.

Finally, the home vintage computer den would not be complete without at least one Commodore computer. From the classic breadbox 64 to the ‘C64GS’ the Commodore 64 had plenty of great games released for it, with the main hit being the classic space shooter ‘Defender of the Crown’.

In the end, with the right combination of original vintage software and hardware, anyone’s home vintage computer den could be a great way to relive the past. From Apple, Atari and Commodore, to whatever other vintage machines you may choose to collect—definitely a great way to become an amateur ‘retro computer historian’.

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