This Is Why You Feel Existential Dread When You Open Instagram and TikTok

This Is Why You Feel Existential Dread When You Open Instagram and TikTok

In a digital world where social media is king, it’s not surprising that many people feel an underlying sense of existential dread every time they open Instagram and TikTok. After all, these two social media platforms – while fun and informative – seem to have a unique ability to make us question ourselves, our values and our place in the world at large.

Instagram and TikTok are all about promoting what we do and what makes us special, and yet, they can also make us acutely aware of just how little special or unique we all truly are. We compare ourselves to people who post better photos or make more impressive art, and it leads to a sense of insignificance. It’s easy to think that all of this creative output should be worth something more than just a few ‘likes’ and followers, and yet, that’s all we really get in exchange for putting ourselves out there.

Naturally, this can cause many to stop and ask themselves, ‘what’s the point?’ Rather than finding joy and connection, many people find themselves plagued by feelings of disconnect and alienation. We start to wonder why we’re still stuck on these platforms, when we could be out living our lives. We think about how everything we post and the time we spend on Instagram and TikTok may have been better spent elsewhere.

The ability to connect with others and express yourself in a creative manner is undeniably a powerful trait and one that should be celebrated. However, this power also comes with some steep costs, especially when it comes to comparing ourselves to others, or wallowing in a mire of emptiness. Those who suffer from this kind of existential dread may need to take a step back and examine why they’re using social media platforms in the first place. Is it to pursue creative and meaningful endeavors, or merely to waste time and hate ourselves?

Knowing how and why you use these tools is essential to transforming your experience with them. Understanding the underlying triggers of existential dread and recognizing when it begins to set in can help to minimize its effects. Most importantly, it’s important to remember why we’re all on these platforms in the first place – to connect with others, and express ourselves. Only then can we take control of the narrative and truly enjoy the journey.

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