What to bring on your next 2,600-mile walk

If you’ve decided to take on the monumental task of walking 2,600 miles to your destination, you’ll need to be sure you’ve got all the right gear. What you pack and bring along your journey can mean the difference between a thrilling and successful trek and an exhausting disaster.

The first and most important thing to bring is the right clothing. Make sure you bring weather-appropriate clothing. Bring appropriate jackets, sweaters, and long johns to keep you warm when the temperature drops at night. Pack one or two bandanas or a hat to shield you from the sun during the day. And always make sure you have a good pair of shoes. Hiking boots or other more durable outdoor footwear is best for this type of long-distance trekking.

It’s also important to bring enough food, water, and other supplies for your journey. Although you can find food, stores, and water sources along the way, there may be long stretches of travel where you won’t be able to find any. To ensure you’re always properly nourished and hydrated, it’s best to bring enough supplies with you to last anywhere from 2 to 4 weeks.

Of course, make sure you have the necessary tools necessary for maintaining your sanity. Bring a book, a music player, or other entertainment so that you have something to keep you busy during shut-eye and downtime periods. And don’t forget about your phone and a battery-operated power bank to keep it charged for when you need. Additionally, it’s a good idea to bring a map of the area and a GPS device so you can easily reorient yourself whenever you need.

While a 2,600-mile walk might seem like an intimidating task, you can make the journey easier, comfortable, and more manageable by packing the right supplies. As long as you have enough climate-appropriate clothing, supplies to keep you nourished and hydrated, and enough entertainment to keep your mind occupied, you’re sure to have an amazing and successful adventure.

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