Operation Cookie Monster: Feds seize “notorious hacker marketplace”

Operation Cookie Monster: Feds seize “notorious hacker marketplace”

The global investigation known as “Operation Cookie Monster” has resulted in multiple arrests and the seizure of a “notorious hacker marketplace”— a website where people could buy and sell stolen data and services related to computer intrusions and other cybercrime activities.

The Justice Department and the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced that they have arrested four members of “The Community”—a group of cybercriminals allegedly responsible for operating the “HackForums.” This particular forum was used to buy and sell stolen data, malware, credit card numbers, and other cybercrime tools and services.

The site had been active since 2008 and was one of the most well-known and utilized hubs for buying, selling, and trading stolen data, malicious software, and other cybercrime-related services and products. To access the site’s forum, users had to register using their real name and e-mail, and all payment transactions within the site were made through the cryptocurrency Bitcoin.

According to authorities, the four members of The Community were based in the United Kingdom, China, Malaysia and Hungary. One of the suspects was arrested on June 22 and is currently being held in the UK pending extradition proceedings. The other three suspects were arrested on June 10, 11, and 12 in Romania, North Macedonia and India, respectively.

The criminal investigation involved the collaboration of multiple US federal, state, and international law enforcement agencies, including the FBI and DHS. The investigation also received assistance from the Europol and Eurojust.

The dismantling of this article website is a clear victory for law enforcement, as the site had been a major source of illegally obtained data and other cybercrime-related services and products. By taking down the site and arresting its owners, the FBI and DHS have disrupted the activities of a major international criminal organisation.

The authorities warn that cybercrime is a “growing threat” and that they will continue to investigate and prosecute those engaged in such activities. It is important for the public to be aware of the dangers posed by such illegal marketplaces so that they can take the necessary precautions to stay safe online.

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