The ‘90s Internet: When 20 hours online triggered an email from my ISP’s president

The ‘90s Internet: When 20 hours online triggered an email from my ISP’s president

The ‘90s Internet was a fascinating time. It was the dawn of a new era as the world’s first widespread usages of the internet became a reality with the World Wide Web, and sparked a worldwide frenzy of exploration and experimentation. As technology evolved, so too did the ways people experienced the internet.

For me, the most memorable moment of the ’90s internet was setting a 20-hour browsing record. I was an early adopter of the technology, and as such I forged ahead, spending as much time as possible online. That is, until I received an email from the president of my internet service provider (ISP).

Yes, the president of my ISP had emailed me to ask why I was online for so long every day. He wanted to know if there was a problem with my account or if I was accessing far more webpages than I should. I knew the moment I saw the email that things had changed.

The truth is, at that time most people had no data caps or usage limits imposed on them by their ISPs. But 20 hours of daily internet and website browsing was enough to make the president of my ISP take notice. It was an indication that the internet had matured from a novelty for techies and hobbyists into a powerful resourcefor communication and collaboration between people around the world.

Since then, usage caps and data throttling have become the norm for many ISPs. But it was my 20 hour record that showed the president of my ISP that the technology had entered a new level of popularity. It was a clear signal that the internet had become an integral part of modern living, and that it was time for safeguards to be put in place to ensure that everyone would be able to use the internet safely and effectively.

The ‘90s internet was a wild time, ushering in a new era of communication and collaboration. I’m glad I was part of it, and I’ll always remember the email from the president of my ISP, a reminder that the power of the internet had become undeniable.

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