Talk to Me’s Writer on Its Influences and Creepy-Ass Hand

Talk to Me’s Writer on Its Influences and Creepy-Ass Hand

The 2018 short film, “Talk to Me” has quickly become a cult classic among horror fans. Written and directed by independent filmmaker and visual artist, Kali Henderson, the film follows the story of a young girl who is visited by the supernatural being known as the “creepy-*** hand.” This being has been described as an otherworldly entity that is always searching for a victim to possess and then command.

Henderson, who is an advocate for mental health, drew inspiration for the horror-thriller from her own struggles with depression. She believes that the fear that comes with mental illness is enough to haunt most, if not all, of her audience.

Henderson has stated that she drew from cult horror classics such as The Exorcist and Night of the Living Dead, among others; but that the story actually came from her own fear of silence. In her words, “The character of the hand is inspired by my own fear of being quiet. I was always looking for a way to turn that fear into something tangible.”

In Henderson’s own words, the goal of Talk to Me was to leave the audience feeling uneasy, without directly scaring them. She wanted to create a horror-film without the gory violence, but instead use subtle spooky sounds and visuals to unsettle the viewer. She believes that the fear of the unknown is always more powerful than the fear of the gory visuals.

The “creepy-*** hand” has been one of the standout characters of Talk to Me and has been described as being both terrifying and enigmatic. Henderson believes that the hand takes on different shapes and forms for each person who witnesses it, as it strives to communicate its own individual message. Henderson believes this is a metaphor of how we, as individuals, all communicate differently and how we strive to understand one another.

The soul-searching reflections found in Talk to Me have made it a favorite among fans of horror, and with the hand’s mysterious yet powerful presence, it’s easy to see why. With the creepy-*** hand being a common symbol of the dark forces that often linger within us, it is no wonder why Henderson wanted the hand to be such a prominent figure in her story. By encompassing the fear of the unknown within her horror-thriller, Henderson has been able to create a powerful and unique visual that has garnered the appreciation of audiences worldwide.

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