Google brings contextual search suggestions, trending searches and more to Chrome on mobile

Google brings contextual search suggestions, trending searches and more to Chrome on mobile

The search engine giant, Google, has announced that its Chrome browser on mobile devices will start showing contextual search suggestions, trending searches, and additional features to make online searches more convenient and enjoyable.

Google’s announcement stated that the mobile Chrome browser will begin providing tailored search suggestions based on what a user has already typed. The search engine giant also said that the browser will display trending searches related to a certain topic. This will give Chrome users the ability to easily find out what people are searching for related to a certain topic and get quick results to find the relevant content.

Additionally, Google also said that the mobile Chrome browser will allow users to quickly take a screenshot of a search result. This will enable them to save the image in their device and then further share it with friends and family.

Furthermore, the mobile Chrome browser will also allow users to easily switch from one search engine to another. This feature is especially helpful for those who use certain search engines more often than the rest. For instance, if a user often uses Google Search, he/she can quickly switch to Google Images or Google Scholar within Chrome.

Lastly, Google has also made it easier for people to save their searches in Chrome. With this feature, users can keep track of their searches and have them organized so they can easily find the content again in the future.

Overall, it seems Google is taking steps to make online searches more enjoyable and convenient for users. With its new features for the Chrome browser on mobile devices, users will be able to get more specific results and save their searches in order to easily access them in the future.

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