The Definitive Ranking of the Revolving ‘Planet of the Bass’ Vocalists

The Definitive Ranking of the Revolving ‘Planet of the Bass’ Vocalists

When it comes to the classic ‘Planet of the Bass’ track, there’s no denying it has stood the test of time, but who are the vocalists that have kept the song so beloved over the years? Here’s our definitive ranking of the revolving ‘Planet of the Bass’ vocalists.

1. Janine Gaudemar (1996): Janine’s sultry vocals on the 1996 version of ‘Planet of the Bass’ set the tone for every other vocalist. Her infectious energy coupled with her smooth delivery makes her rendition an unreachable classic for the song.

2. Angelica ‘Angie’ Mcfly (2000): Angie’s 2000 contribution to the song is simply a feat. The timbre of her voice, along with her powerful yet gentle performance, makes her performance distinctively memorable and her contribution to the song remains an all-time favorite.

3. Tomi ‘Tomingraze’ Findley (2009): Tomi brought a unique vibe to the song with his 2009 version. His vocal control and energy elevated the track, making it one of the most successful versions of ‘Planet of the Bass’.

4. Joseph ‘Joe-Z’ Waller (2015): With his 2015 version of ‘Planet of the Bass’, Joe-Z showcased his technical finesse and vocal prowess, creating an atmosphere that many have come to love and appreciate.

5. Tráe ‘Trae Nice’ Dawson (2020): Tráe’s rendition of ‘Planet of the Bass’ in 2020 was an exciting and unexpected twist for the song. His punchy delivery and energized performance gave the track a new flavor that made it stand out among all the versions that have come before.

From the bright and soulful Janine Gaudemar to the passionate and smooth Tomi Findley, every vocalist that has done the song justice has created something unique. ‘Planet of the Bass’ has been the anthem of many parties and special occasions over the years, and the legacy of its vocalists is indisputable.

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