As one of the longest running sci-fi animated series in history, Futurama has earned a reputation for its unique combination of comedy and adventure. Now, the show is getting ready to take on one of sci-fi’s most beloved franchises — Dune.
In clips from next week’s episode, titled “The Insectian Sensation,” Fry and Leela find themselves on the planet Arrakis, also known as Dune. The beloved classic, originally created by Frank Herbert, is the setting for this episode. The two heroes have arrived on the desert planet in search of a rare M-suited insect, and they soon find themselves in the middle of a scientific adventure.
In the clips, Fry is thrilled to find himself surrounded by sandworms, giant royal guard creatures, and spice mines. But Leela is less than thrilled with the situation, reminding Fry that they have a mission to complete.
The action certainly doesn’t let up here, as the duo continue their mission and stumble upon a mysterious fortress. They must face off against a fierce sandworm, and eventually land in a sticky situation with the insect they’re searching for.
Of course, typical Futurama hijinks are at work as well. The show’s signature humor adds to the intensity of the adventure, and the episode is sure to offer plenty of laughs as well as thrills.
Fans of both Futurama and Dune will be delighted by this unlikely mashup, as the creators of the show manage to do justice to both franchises with their unique blend of humor and adventure. It should make for an enthralling episode, and hopefully the beginning of a trend of collaborations between the two properties in the future.