‘Rhymer’ Combines

‘Rhymer’ Combines

“Rhymer,” a fantastical Scottish ballad hybrid produced by Glasgow-based production company Tartan Films, is set to revolutionize the way we think about fantasy music. Combining traditional Scottish ballad music with a modern twist, this eccentric musical experience blends a unique fusion of alien elves, mysterious creatures and fiery dragons that are sure to entertain the entire family.

Set in the highlands of Scotland, the story follows rhyme-loving adventurer, Rhymer, on his magical adventure to find his missing parents. Along the way he meets numerous elves, monsters, and dragons from various alien civilisations. Throughout his adventures, Rhymer makes many unexpected discoveries, including several mythical creatures and powerful artifacts that may just be what he needs to find his family.

Meanwhile, the music of Rhymer is an eclectic mix of traditional Scottish ballad music and modern synthpop elements. With frequent contributions from guest artists such as M.C. Hammer and Ugly God, the production explores a multitude of genres from heavy rock to acoustic musings and everything in between. Additionally, Rhymer occasionally breaks away from tradition and throws in some futuristic synths and digital effects, giving the album a unique and vibrant feel.

The film has already had numerous preview showings and press reviews which have been incredibly positive overall. As for the soundtrack to the film, it’s a unique mix of traditional Scottish ballads and electronic music, which is drawing in many new fans from across the world. With the release of Rhymer, Tartan Films have opened our imaginations to new possibilities and venture into unexplored musical territories.

If you’re a fan of traditional Scottish ballads, or if you’re looking for a unique, high-energy music experience that will breathe some new life into your fantasy soundtrack, then Rhymer is definitely worth checking out. Who knows, you may just find yourself swept away in this exciting journey of alien elves and dragons, while tapping along to its creative and captivating blend of Scottish ballads and electronica.

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