Louisiana requires digital government ID to access Pornhub and other adult sites

Louisiana requires digital government ID to access Pornhub and other adult sites

Over the past few years, we have become increasingly aware of the laws and restrictions placed on accessing adult content on the internet. In a recent move, Louisiana has taken a major step towards regulating access to pornographic content on the web by requiring adults to provide government-issued digital identification before they can access websites such as Pornhub and other adult websites.

The State of Louisiana’s Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) recently passed a new policy requiring citizens over age 18 to provide a valid Louisiana driver’s license or state issued ID card to access websites like Pornhub and other adult content. This law seeks to prevent minors from accessing adult websites and puts the onus on adults to verify their identity before accessing this kind of content. This is similar to measures being implemented across the country, as local governments try to further regulate access to certain kinds of websites.

This law differs from other government regulations on adult content in that it requires users to possess a digital identification that can be used to verify their age. The new policy will require users to provide digital copies of their state issued ID either directly to the websites or through a third party verification system. This will allow websites to verify a user’s age and determine whether or not they are able to access the website’s content.

Critics of the new policy argue that it is an invasion of privacy, as the state will now have the capability to track the internet activity of its citizens. Additionally, the requirement for a digital ID adds an additional barrier for those who do not possess one. While the purpose of this law is to protect minors from being exposed to adult content, some argue that it can be seen as an additional form of censorship.

Despite controversy surrounding the issue, it is obvious that the new law in Louisiana is an example of the continuing trend of digital regulation of access to adult content. Such laws are intended to protect children from inappropriate content, while simultaneously preventing adults from breaking laws. As other states continue to implement similar measures, time will tell if the new policy in Louisiana is successful in its intended purpose.

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