Surprise: Apple now supports California’s right-to-repair

On Wednesday, Apple shocked the tech world by announcing that, going forward, they would be supporting right-to-repair bills in 21 US states and Puerto Rico. This change of course is a huge win for repair shops, farmers, and consumers alike, who will be able to repair their Apple devices without involving the pricey technicians from Apple outlets.

Right-to-repair bills are a form of legislation passed by states that privilege the rights of consumers to attempt repairs on their own and seek outside help to do so. This is in sharp contrast to Apple’s past policies, which limited access to replacement parts and technical assistance outside their own retail channels.

The right-to-repair bills are part of a larger movement in the tech industry, encouraging manufacturers to make their products easier to repair and facilitate the sale of replacement parts. The legislation also applies to parts like blades, wiper blades, and tires used in agricultural equipment.

For Apple, the move is seen as a progressive one and a step in the right direction, responding to consumer demands for more flexibility when it comes to repairs. The announcement arrived shortly after the company was hit with a lawsuit filed by the Attorney General of California alleging that Apple had been “unfairly restricting product repairs” for years. The fact that the tech giant was willing to cooperate with the initiative might suggest that the lawsuit had an impact on their decision.

While the new regulation isn’t likely to necessarily affect the amount that consumers will pay to repair their apple devices, it will certainly make it easier for independent repair shops and farmers to sustain their businesses and allow them to provide maintenance services of a higher quality.

For Apple, the move marks a commitment to support consumer rights and choice in the tech industry. While the company has taken heat in the past for protecting its own interests and limit consumer access to parts and services, this decision shows a willingness to take an empowered and responsible view of the company’s role in the world.

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