YouTube could soon let you search for songs just by humming

YouTube could soon let you search for songs just by humming

YouTube could soon become a unique platform for music searches, as the video streaming giant is reportedly working on a new feature that lets users locate songs simply by humming.

According to a report from Rolling Stone, YouTube is currently testing the technology, which is powered by machine learning algorithms that can match the notes and tones generated by the user to the song’s audio. It is an extension of the company’s recent investment into audio-recognition technology, which has made it easier for music lovers to identify songs by simply playing them.

The feature is still in its early development stages, but the potential applications are endless. YouTube users will be able to search for songs with a hum, whistle, or vocal sample, meaning they no longer need to know the exact lyrics or titles. This could prove incredibly useful when a song is stuck on the tip of your tongue but you just can’t quite remember what it is.

In addition, it could also help make YouTube more accessible to novice users. Rather than having to type in the keywords or lyrics, they could simply hum a familiar tune and see what the algorithm finds.

At this stage, there is no word on when the new feature is expected to be rolled out. However, if the technology is successfully implemented, YouTube could become the go-to platform for even the most obscure music searches. It looks like all of us will just have to keep our “ears” open to see what the future holds.

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