Twitter has hidden the chronological feed on iOS again – and I’m furious

Twitter has hidden the chronological feed on iOS again – and I’m furious

Twitter has done it again. It has once more decided to ignore its user base, and this time it’s on its iOS app, which makes it even worse. For the third time this year, Twitter has decided to hide its chronological feed, a feature that many of us rely on to help us stay up-to-date with our Twitter timeline.

The chronological timeline on the Twitter iOS app was one of the few really useful features left on the platform, and it allowed us to view tweets in a timeline organised by the time they were posted. Without this feature, users are left with the algorithmic, often distorted version of the feed where tweets are necessarily organised by what Twitter decides you should see.

This is just one more step that Twitter is undertaking to further its business agenda, at the cost of its users’ convenience and happiness. This latest move has already left many of its users disgruntled and it seems the decision didn’t take into account how their user base might feel about such a move.

By again hiding the chronological feed, Twitter has effectively rendered its iOS platform virtually useless. Users have no other way of staying up-to-date with their timelines and staying in the know, and it seems like whoever made this decision at Twitter, either did not think this through or simply did not care.

It is yet another example of how corporate companies are seeking to manipulate the user experience, and it’s becoming increasingly infuriating. It’s time that Twitter recognised that their users deserve a say in how their platform should be used, and they should not be making such decisions without consulting their user base.

We, the users of Twitter, are the ones who should have a say in how our platform should be run and managed. Unfortunately, it seems like corporate companies continue to make decisions behind closed doors, with little thought to the user experience. That needs to stop, and it should start with Twitter.

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