Can Society Learn From the Mistakes of Futurism?

Can Society Learn From the Mistakes of Futurism?

The Futurist movement of the early 20th century, with its optimism and utopian visions, has been heavily criticised and ridiculed in the years since its conception. Initially viewed as a source of revolutionary ideas and breakthroughs in art, architecture and technology, Futurism has become infamous for its dystopian themes of consumerism and crudely expressed elitism. This has led some to ask an important question – can we learn from the mistakes of Futurism and better shape our society as a result?

At its core, Futurism was a reaction to the modernist and post-modernist thinking of the time, placing importance on technology, industry and the value of newness and progress. This saw many Futurists develop a fetish for the destructive power of change and progress, creating art, architecture and technology that appeared to embrace this mayem. For example, the Futurist manifestoes circulating at the time exalted war and industry and championed the idea that progress and development must always come at a cost of morality and civility.

Yet how can we learn from such mistakes and ensure that our society does not make the same mistakes that Futurism did?

Firstly, we should develop a greater awareness of what the true cost of progress really is. As technology, industry and infrastructure rapidly evolve, we must remember to consider the impact they have on society and the environment. Doing so, we should be critical of our decision-making, seeking out the best solutions and rejecting initiatives that have the potential to cause more harm than good.

We must also strive for a sense of balance between progress and preservation. While it is important to strive for prosperity and development, we must also recognise the value of the natural and cultural resources that we have inherited. We must strive to ensure that all places, environments, animals and humans are treated with empathy and respect – something that Futurism heavily neglected in its pursuit of a utopian future.

Ultimately, there is much that society can learn from the mistakes of Futurism. We must strive to engage in critical and deliberate decision-making when it comes to progress and development and embrace an attitude of balance and preservation. By doing so, we can ensure that our own utopian visions and ambitions do not come at the cost of the present.

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