Sealed buys sensor startup InfiSense to fuel energy-saving services

Sealed buys sensor startup InfiSense to fuel energy-saving services

Today, Sealed, a technology-driven home performance company, announced that it has acquired InfiSense, a smart building analytics startup. Sealed has acquired InfiSense to further build on its energy-saving services, which help Consumers save money and reduce their environmental impact by providing them with informed decisions on home performance improvements.

InfiSense’s technology platform has developed an advanced analytics structure that leverages machine learning and a robust sensor network to provide energy efficiency and commercial building insights. Sealed will immediately benefit from the introduction of the cutting-edge analytics and sensor technology, which enables the business to provide an even higher level of energy-saving services to its customers.

The acquisition will provide Sealed’s customers with unprecedented access to their usage data, allowing them to make better decisions on home performance investments with more accuracy. The platform will allow customers to track and analyze changes in their energy use in real time, suggesting the most effective home performance improvements.

The new technology means a more focused focus on energy Efficiency, allowing customers to access energy saving products and services in a much easier way. The energy saving offerings will include new product or services such as air sealing, insulation, smart thermostats, and solar panels. These offerings will help customers reduce their energy usage and save money in the long run.

Sealed’s co-founder, Aaron Goldstein, commented on the acquisition, saying, “InfiSense’s technology platform is an ideal fit for Sealed. It allows us to capture energy-usage data from homes of all sizes and provide our customers with unparalleled insights into the performance of their home, helping them make informed decisions on home improvements. This is a great step forward in our effort to make home performance as easy and accessible as possible.”

The acquisition of InfiSense is another step forward in Sealed’s commitment to providing robust and efficient energy-saving services to its customers. Sealed’s mission is to help homeowners and building owners save money and reduce their environmental footprint. This acquisition reinforces Sealed’s commitment to making homes and buildings more energy efficient.

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