Facebook copies TikTok again with new vertical video format

Facebook copies TikTok again with new vertical video format

In the ever-evolving world of social media, it seems that the line between imitation and innovation is becoming increasingly blurred. The latest example of this dynamic is Facebook’s latest move to introduce a new vertical video format, closely resembling the popular app TikTok.

On August 18th, Facebook announced the launch of a new feature called “Short Videos” which will allow users to create and share short-form vertical videos. This format will enable users to scroll through a dedicated feed of vertical videos, similar to the experience offered by TikTok. This announcement comes just months after the launch of Instagram Reels, another feature that mimics TikTok’s short video format.

The decision to launch yet another TikTok-inspired feature raises questions about Facebook’s strategy in the face of competition from the up-and-coming app. TikTok has quickly gained popularity among younger audiences for its unique approach to short-form video content, and Facebook seems keen to capitalize on this trend.

While some see Facebook’s emulation of TikTok as a desperate attempt to stay relevant, others argue that it is simply a savvy business move. By incorporating popular features from competing apps, Facebook can attract new users and keep existing ones engaged on its platform.

However, some critics have raised concerns about the lack of originality in Facebook’s approach. Rather than investing in true innovation, Facebook seems content to copy existing features from other apps, risking alienating users who crave something new and different.

Despite the controversy surrounding Facebook’s latest move, one thing is clear: the battle for supremacy in the world of social media is far from over. As platforms continue to borrow ideas from one another, it remains to be seen which app will emerge victorious in the ongoing competition for user attention.

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