force proposes

force proposes

The United States’ Artificial Intelligence initiative has gained further momentum with a proposal for a $2.6 billion federal AI research outfit. As part of the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC)’s new Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence (SCAI), a new task force recently proposed the establishment of the Federal Artificial Intelligence Research and Development (AI R&D) Outfit.

The new AI R&D Outfit was proposed to promote the development and use of AI across all sectors within the United States economy, with a view to securing the country’s artificial intelligence “Edge”. The proposed outfit would address national security, economic growth and development, and healthcare applications of AI.

The $2.6 billion in funding proposed by the task force would come from various sources, including the federal government and the private sector. The Outfit would be jointly administered by the Department of Defense (DoD) and the National Science Foundation (NSF). The DOE’s Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) would provide additional support to the project.

The task force’s proposal involves the establishment of three distinct AI research centers across the country, and the hiring of scientific staff “at the highest levels” to manage the effort. These research centers would be tasked with conducting basic AI research and developing cutting-edge AI technologies. The research centers would also receive support from the National Institutes of Health and the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

Additionally, the proposed AI R&D Outfit would organize hackathons and workspaces across the country, to enable collaboration between both industry and academic researchers. The task force has also proposed the formation of an AI advisory board, comprising representatives from various federal agencies, to provide guidance and expertise to the AI R&D Outfit’s work.

The task force’s proposal is just one part of the larger US AI Initiative. As part of the initiative, a Federal AI Governance Board has been established to develop and maintain government policies on the use of AI.

With the task force’s proposal for a Federal AI research outfit and its $2.6 billion in funding, the US appears to be in for an exciting new phase of AI research and development. This initiative is an important step towards building a future where AI is an integral part of the US economy, and a cornerstone of the country’s security and prosperity.

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