Microsoft hides cool experimental audio control tool in Windows 11 preview build

Microsoft hides cool experimental audio control tool in Windows 11 preview build

Microsoft has recently added an exciting development in Windows 11 preview build- a cool audio command control tool. This tool is under the hood and wasn’t publicized much, but tech-savvy users are already tinkering with it.

The tool allows users to control audio levels and playback functions in Windows 11 remotely by controlling audio clips through voice commands or through a controller. This means that users would be able to control audio playback functions with their own voice or with a controller instead of having to click controls separately to adjust the audio. It’s a more immersive experience that could make the Windows 11 operating system even more engaging and enjoyable to use.

The experimental audio control tool is accessible through the Task Manager. It is currently in the experimental stage, with no official name revealed as of yet. It’s unclear what shape the tool will take in the future, as Microsoft is still testing and tweaking its functionality.

Despite its potential, Microsoft made the savvy move to hide this tool away in the preview build. This may discourage users from trying out the tool and experiencing any bugs, which is important to ensure a smooth experience when Windows 11 finally launches.

Overall, this hidden tool is a great development for those who are looking to improve their audio experience in Windows 11. We look forward to seeing what Microsoft adds to the tool in the future, and how it will improve the Windows 11 experience even further.

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