Another Two Weeks Wasted as Twitter Reverses Dumb Decision

Another Two Weeks Wasted as Twitter Reverses Dumb Decision

It seems there is never a dull moment in the world of social media. With platforms like Twitter constantly innovating and introducing new features to their services, things can change quickly. The latest ‘dumb decision’ to come out of the Twitter HQ is one that the platform is trying to backtrack on.

Just two weeks ago, Twitter announced the introduction of a new system that would allow people to post their thoughts in ‘tweets’ of up to 280 characters, doubling the previous limit of 140 characters. After the response to their initial post, reactions to the update were largely positive with people embracing the chance to express themselves more freely than before.

However, today Twitter has taken a big step backwards and have reversed their decision, citing various concerns and downgrading the new 280 character limit to the original 140 character one.

This abrupt change has been met by criticism from Twitter users everywhere and even some employees of Twitter. With many people taking to the platform to express their displeasure of the move, some calling it a ‘dumb decision’ and wasting the past two weeks of time invested into the update.

It appears that Twitter leadership has taken a step back on a well-received decision, overrunning it with fine details, and ultimately taking two weeks of peoples’ time to do so. This has been an unfortunate setback for the company, but hopefully Twitter will take the feedback on board and introduce a similar update in the future.

Regardless, the moral of the story here is that people should take their time to think carefully before making changes to their social media platform. A rushed decision has cost Twitter users two weeks of wasted potential and Twitter themselves potential new customers. The lesson here should be to not leap before you look.

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