‘Fly Me to the Moon’ review: It’s a disaster

‘Fly Me to the Moon’ review: It’s a disaster

If you’re in the ⁣mood for a disaster⁣ of a film, look no further than “Fly Me‌ to the Moon.” This​ recently released movie ‌has ‌been receiving criticism left and right for its lackluster plot, poor acting, and⁢ overall lack of substance.

The story follows ⁣a group‍ of aspiring astronauts who ⁣are on a ​mission to become the first humans to set ‌foot on the⁤ moon. Sounds exciting, ‍right? Wrong. The⁤ film ⁤lacks ⁢any real tension or drama, ⁣as the characters are⁢ poorly developed and‌ their ‌motivations are unclear. ⁢It’s hard to care about what happens to them when you don’t know who they are or⁣ why they’re doing what they’re doing.

Speaking of⁣ the characters, the⁣ acting in this film⁢ is laughably bad. The ​performances​ are wooden and unconvincing, making ⁢it ​difficult to become invested in the story. The dialogue is‌ cringe-worthy at times, with ⁣awkward exchanges that ⁤feel forced and unnatural. It’s as if the actors were reading lines off of​ a cue card ‍rather ⁢than embodying their characters.

On top of all this, the film is visually unimpressive. The special effects are⁤ lackluster, with ‌poorly rendered CGI that takes you out of​ the moment rather ​than immersing you in⁣ the world of the film. ‍The cinematography is uninspired, with bland shots that do little to enhance the storytelling.

“Fly⁢ Me to the Moon” is a disaster of a film. From its weak plot to its poor acting and lackluster ‍visuals,‍ there is⁢ little redeeming about⁣ this movie. Save yourself the time and money, and skip this⁣ one. There are⁢ plenty of​ other ‍space-themed films out ⁣there that are far more deserving of​ your attention.

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