Hey, Maybe Star Wars Should Leave Mandalore the Hell Alone

Hey, Maybe Star Wars Should Leave Mandalore the Hell Alone

When it comes to Star Wars, mistakes have been made throughout its long and storied franchise. However, one of the most egregious missteps in recent years has been the way they’ve mishandled Mandalore, a planet which has been badly abused in the many years since its first appearance in Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

First of all, Mandalore has been stripped of its once proud identity as a home of warriors and champions, and replaced with a generic, soulless image of a conquered planet dominated by the Empire. The main conflict has become that of the Galactic Empire against the Mandalorian “Rebels”, and the very idea of a unified Mandalorian people has been strongly weakened in the process.

Not to mention the fact that the Mandalorian people have been subject to a countless variety of indignities and brutal acts of violence. In one particularly brutal episode, Imperial forces caused a flood on the planet and killed thousands of civilians. This was a direct violation of Mandalorian customs and values, yet somehow it was never addressed or rectified.

It’s certainly true that Mandalore has been a primary part of the Star Wars universe for many years, but it’s about time that this mistreatment of the Mandalorian people comes to an end. The fact of the matter is, no matter what fate befalls the planet, it’s still a living world inhabited by countless people with their own powerful culture and heritage.

It would be wrong and disrespectful to dismiss their struggles as nothing more than abstract plot points, and something should be done to show them some respect. Rather than using Mandalore as a tool to advance their own story-based goals, Star Wars should focus on restoring the planet and its people to their true former glory.

At the very least, the world of Mandalore should be restored to its former state prior to the Galactic Empire’s occupation. All of its people should be allowed to exist and thrive within their own unique culture, free from oppressive galactic governments and violent factions who would use the planet for their own illegitimate purposes.

It’s time for Star Wars to do the right thing and truly leave Mandalore the hell alone. Allow its people to exist and rebuild their proud home, and finally restore Mandalore to the powerful and vibrant world it once was. It’s the least they can do to try and make up for their past mistakes.

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