Facebook rolls out new comment moderation tools for creators

Facebook rolls out new comment moderation tools for creators

Facebook recently rolled out new comment moderation tools for creators, giving them more control and visibility over how their content is discussed on their Feeds and Pages.

The new moderation tools are available on both Mobile and Desktop Facebook platforms, and include several features to give creators a better grip on the conversations taking place under their content.

First up is the ability to hide comments and threads that contain particular words or phrases. This feature is available to all Facebook users, but creators can now adjust it to only monitor comments under their own pages and content. This is a great feature to deter trolls and other unwanted attention on a creator’s page.

The second feature is more specific to creators: the ability to delete comments, threads and whole conversations. This means that creators have an easier time controlling what kind of conversations take place under their content, ensuring quality discussion and minimizing the risks of offensive comments and hate speech.

Finally, the increased visibility during moderation makes it easier for creators to review and delete any comment or thread that does not comply with the discussion policies of the platform. This can help eliminate spam, offensive remarks, and any unwanted attention quickly and easily, without having to manually monitor the conversations.

Overall, Facebook’s new comment moderation tools are a great addition for creators looking to manage the conversations happening under their content. They give creators the visibility and control they need to ensure quality conversation and eliminate unwanted attention. For creators, this means greater control over their content and the conversations that follow, and a better experience overall.

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