Welcome to NYT Connections today! If you’re looking for hints and answers for the puzzles featured in The New York Times on October 12, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s dive into some of the highlights from today’s crosswords and other puzzles.
First up, we have the daily crossword puzzle, which offers a mix of challenging and fun clues to keep you entertained. Need a hint for a particularly tricky entry? Look no further! For example, clue 17-Across, “Opposite of ‘aye'”, might trip you up for a moment until you remember that the answer is “nay”. And if you’re struggling with a specific section of the puzzle, our hints can help you get back on track.
Next, we have the Mini Crossword, a quicker and easier version of the daily puzzle. With just a few clues to solve, this puzzle is perfect for a short break or a quick mental workout. If you find yourself stuck on a clue like “Amount of soap on a soap dish”, our hints can point you in the right direction (the answer is “suds”, by the way).
don’t forget about the Spelling Bee, a word game that challenges you to create as many words as possible using a set of letters. If you’re struggling to find that elusive pangram (a word that uses all of the given letters), our hints can guide you towards success.
Whether you’re a seasoned crossword pro or a casual puzzler, NYT Connections today is here to help you conquer the challenges of the day’s puzzles. So grab a pencil, cozy up with a cup of coffee, and let’s solve some crosswords together!