Ikea Finally Has an Air Quality Sensor That’s Actually Useful

Ikea Finally Has an Air Quality Sensor That’s Actually Useful

Ikea, the powerhouse of Swedish furniture, recently unveiled an air quality sensor that promises to make customers’ lives easier. The sensor, being sold at Ikea stores worldwide, not only measures air quality, but it can also take corrective action when problems are detected.

The air quality sensor scans the air for pollutants and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), gases produced by chemicals and solvents. Once pollutants and VOCs are identified, the sensor can start the necessary means to filter them out and make the air safer. It can, for example, piece together ventilation systems that filter out pollutants and VOCs, as well as eliminate unpleasant or unhealthy odors.

Using the air quality sensor isn’t as simple as plugging it in and forgetting it. The sensor has to be properly installed, which thankfully doesn’t require any special tools or expertise. All that’s needed is to place the sensor in the desired spot, connect it to the network, and configure the desired settings.

With the availability of adjustments, users can further customize the settings to their liking. This includes choosing threshold limits for pollutant levels, and air freshness levels. The air quality sensor also has a raw data view, which displays data about pollutant levels, as well as temperature and humidity levels.

Ikea’s air quality sensor also releases O3 (ozone) and uses a fleet of sensors across the network to help identify and improve air quality. The sensors work by sending off measurements to a corresponding app, and these measurements help develop a better overall understanding of the user’s living environment.

Ikea’s air quality sensor is a great breakthrough for those who are interested in keeping their air clean and healthy. It keeps track of pollutant levels, so users can have peace of mind that their air is always in tip-top shape. With this new addition, Ikea is looking to make air quality monitoring more accessible, and affordable for its customers.

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