With Quantumania, Ant-Man Becomes a Victim of the MCU’s Saga Obsession

With Quantumania, Ant-Man Becomes a Victim of the MCU’s Saga Obsession

With the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) continuing to dominate the entertainment industry, Marvel Studios seems to be doubling down on its production strategies, with one of its latest film entries serving as a perfect example. The recently released Kenneth Branagh film, Quantumania, is based on the comic book series Ant-Man and serves to further explore the character’s story within the ever-popular MCU. While on its own the movie appears very promising and has already been met with praise from critics, it serves as yet another reminder of Marvel studio’s tendency to focus on stories that have already been told, namely through the Infinity Saga.

At this point, it is obvious for fans of the MCU to be tiring of the formulaic stories told thus far in the saga, as well as a lack of risk-taking for newer stories. Although the new film is sure to bring a refreshing tone and plot, it also serves to further rely on the same plot points, characters, and worlds that the other movies established before it. This is not to say that Quantumania is not a good movie, however, but merely a comment on Marvel’s continued dependence on the same ideas and stories.

It is also understandable why Marvel Studios has decided to go this route. In a four-stage story unfolding over 22 movies, subtle plot points and key characters will be forgotten or omitted if Marvel fails to remind its audience of their importance. These movies are made to appeal to fans of the original comic books and are mainly being relied upon to drive the plot of the overall story. Without a clear reminder, the audience may become confused as to why certain events have happened or why certain characters have reappeared in the later movies.

The dependence on old stories for the newer movies can be both a blessing and a curse, with newer movies such as Black Panther and Spider-man: Homecoming succeeding in making the audience feel like they are part of a larger story. The problem is, however, that with so many characters and stories to get through, some of the newer franchise entries, such as Quantumania, may be lost in the shuffle as unremarkable retcons of stories we have already heard about.

It is for this reason that fans of the MCU may view the release of Quantumania as another unnecessary entry, despite the film being well-made and narratively innovative. As Marvel Studios moves into its Phase 4, fans can only hope that they will be given enough unique stories to make them forget the retelling of their favorite characters and stories in earlier films. Until then, it appears that Ant-Man has become yet another victim of the MCU’s saga obsession.

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