The Street Fighter series has been around since the late 80s, with legendary characters like Ryu and Chun-Li becoming icons of fighting games around the world. One of the most iconic characters of the series, however, is Zangief. The Russian wrestler boasts an incredibly powerful moveset, with his most iconic being the Double Lariat.
The Double Lariat has been a part of Zangief’s moveset since Street Fighter 2, and fans were worried it wouldn’t return in the upcoming title, Street Fighter 6. When Capcom recently released a trailer for the game, it was a relief for fans to see that Zangief’s iconic move was returning.
The Double Lariat is easily one of Zangief’s most powerful attacks, often allowing him to turn a match around. It’s an attack that is as iconic to the character as Hadouken is to Ryu. Fans were grateful to see the move make a return in Street Fighter 6, especially since it had been missing from a few recent titles. The Double Lariat is an essential part of Zangief’s moveset, and it wouldn’t be the same without it.
It’s always exciting to see familiar characters and moves make a return in our favorite fighting titles. We may not have played Street Fighter 6 yet, but fans around the world can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that Zangief’s Double Lariat is back, ready to shake up the Street Fighter tournament.