How to Beat Daylight Savings Time and Have a Winter of the Sun

Are you dreading the arrival of winter as the days get shorter and colder? Well, before you resign yourself to a season of darkness, here are 5 tips to beat daylight savings time and make sure you get the most out of your winter.

1. Make the Most of Daylight Hours: Most people take the natural cycles of daylight savings for granted without realizing the impact it has on the hours of sunlight each season. Make an effort to maximize your daylight hours and get outside regularly during the times of day you usually don’t. Whether it’s a quick jog in the late afternoon or an evening stroll to make the most of the daylight hours during the winter months, doing something active during the days will help you stay engaged during the colder months.

2. Use Technology to Brighten the Room: If you’ve ever wished for a few more hours of sunlight, then you should consider investing in daylight therapy lights or other technology that will help you trick your mind into thinking it’s still daytime once the sun sets. Your local hardware or department store should have a selection of items to choose from, so be sure to research what’s available in your area. Not only will these lights help you adjust psychologically, but they’ll also help make the room appear brighter and more inviting.

3. Plant a Garden: If the winter weather has you exceptionally stifled, consider getting into gardening and taking advantage of the season’s natural elements. Winter-friendly plants like amaryllis, pansies, and evergreens are great options that will give your home a pop of color throughout the colder months. Plus, the feeling of accomplishment you’ll get from growing your own plants is invaluable and can be enjoyed long after the winter has come and gone.

4. Cut Back on Caffeine: Believe it or not, drinking too much caffeine can actually reduce your body’s ability to retain sunlight and thus, make you feel sluggish and weary. Try to limit your daily cup of joe or maybe switch to a caffeine-free or decaffeinated alternative. Doing so will help you to keep a more consistent energy level so you can enjoy the winter months without the fatigue and exhaustion.

5. Get Creative: Finally, unless you’re a winter sports enthusiast it can be hard to find activities to partake in during the colder months. Get creative and come up with fun ways to liven up the season and keep yourself busy. Whether it’s learning a new skill, signing up for a language course, or curling up with a classic novel, there’s something out there for everyone so get out there and enjoy a winter under the sun!

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