Wahoo! Turns out Chris Pratt can do a Mario voice

In a delightful surprise for fans of the Mario videogame series, actor Chris Pratt gave a hilarious impression of the fiery Italian plumber Mario himself during an appearance on Conan O’Brien’s late night talk show.

The surprise came about when host Conan O’Brien brought up the fact that two-time Golden Globe nominated actor Chris Pratt had never revealed his Mario voice on the show before. After a bit of cajoling and prepping, Pratt obliged and gave the audience a taste of his Mario voice.

Although his version was certainly a bit gruffer and ruder than Mario’s usual demeanor, Pratt still managed to capture the character’s distinct rasp and accent. The audience erupted in laughter at Pratt’s version, and the actor himself couldn’t help but break into a fit of laughter.

The version of the voice was only a split second long, but it was enough to capture the imagination of fans of the classic Super Mario franchise and the wildly popular actor. Fans on social media had a field day with Pratt’s Mario impression, with many posting videos of the clip and others posting jokes about his take on the character.

For his part, Pratt was quick to point out to Conan O’Brien that he had “done a Mario voice” before, notably in the 2014 film “The Lego Movie.” But even with that prior experience, Pratt’s Mario impression provided a light-hearted moment of levity on the late night show.

It seems Pratt’s Mario impression was certainly a hit with fans, and it’s likely the actor will be asked to do the voice again. In any case, it’s nice to know Pratt can do a convincing Mario voice, just in case he ever needs to use it in an upcoming project.

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