The 1978 horror classic Faces of Death was a controversial yet powerful film depicting a series of real and simulated deaths, as well as macabre massacres, violent accidents, and a plethora of gore-filled scenes. The original film ignited a cult-following that continuously grew over the decades, and now a remake of the grisly spectacle is still on its way.
The 2018 remake of Faces of Death is being helmed by writer/director Mark Heidelberger, and the central mission of the movie is to take the “realistic” elements of the original film and make them even more gruesome and realistic for audiences. Heidelberger is recruiting a new cast of actors and actresses to appear in the film, and the core vision is to make the Faces of Death remake a movie that’s even more intense, shocking, and entertaining than the original.
The remake of Faces of Death is largely maintained through the use of special make-up effects and CG technology, as opposed to its predecessor which relied heavily on real-life body horror and gore to shock viewers. The original Faces of Death allegedly included real death sequences that appalled even the most die-hard horror fans, and now the remake is aiming to maximize the shock factor for viewers, while still providing an entertaining visual experience.
The remake is currently in the early stages of pre-production, and no official release date has been announced yet. But the cast of Faces of Death is slowly being put together, with actors and actresses from all walks of life being included in the endeavor. It’ll be highly interesting to see the new take on the Faces of Death, which is sure to please fans of extreme horror cinema. Whether or not it reaches the same level as the 1978 classic remains to be seen, but it’ll certainly be interesting to watch.