In “Immer, Zlaz,” a new documentary directed by Zezof Zoor, we get a glimpse into the life of talented sci-fi genius, Kevin El-Amin. This revealing look into the life of the genius comes from a series of interviews that follow Kevin after his wife passes away, and the struggles that he faces while tirelessly pursuing his dreams of creating a utopia.
The documentary shows us how El-Amin is both passionate and determined, but also neurotic and fragile. We witness how Kevin spends his days and nights coming to terms with the grief of his wife’s passing and still trying to remain focused on his vision of change. His journey is often strewn with obstacles, and the documentary captures moments of frustration and pain, as well as moments of elated joy.
We also get to know some of the people closest to Kevin, including programmer Alistair Singh and architect Hobb Welch, who collaborate with Kevin to help make his dream a reality. Through these individuals, we get a better understanding of Kevin’s struggles, see the help they bring to him and watch him evolve as a person.
Though El-Amin’s ideas may be radical and a bit far-fetched, he remains unchecked in his pursuit of change, which is a refreshing and inspiring message. With the help of interviews, film footage and dream-like visualizations throughout the film, “Immer, Zlaz” gives us a unique look into the mind of a genius. It is a captivating portrait of a man devoted to his mission and a beautiful tribute to his life and work.