See Stunning Photos of How Climate Change Is Altering Our World

See Stunning Photos of How Climate Change Is Altering Our World

The world is facing an unprecedented crisis with the advent of climate change. Although it has been debated for many years, the evidence is becoming more and more visible that the global temperature is increasing – faster than ever before. To illustrate just how quickly and devastatingly the Earth is changing, we’ve collected the following photos of the effects of climate change across the globe.

In Greenland, melting glaciers and rising sea levels are having an enormous impact. Photographs of the Kangerlussuaq Glacier show deteriorating crevasses and vast expanses of water flooding into adjacent lakes. Images of towns and villages in Western Greenland display a stark contrast between areas of water and land as the sea edges inland. Glacial retreat continues to have a noticeable impact in these areas, degrading the environment and impacting the lives of local populations.

The African continent has been hit hard by climate change, resulting in extended droughts and crop failures. Distressing photographs from Ethiopia show the severe dehydration of Lake Abiyata, its waters eventually receding to reveal the dry bed below. This dramatic transformation is due to shortening of the rainy seasons caused by climate change. Tragically, this situation has been further worsened by prolonged water shortages caused by the country’s water crisis.

In California, continuing drought has led to devastating wildfires, with widespread destruction to vegetation and local wildlife. Containment of the fires relies heavily on successive generations of brave firefighters, risking their lives to extinguish some of the world’s largest and most dangerous blazes. Images from 2017 show communities in ruin and charred trees as far as the eye can see.

From Greenland to California, climate change is affecting us all in innumerable ways. These photographs portray a moving, if troubling, truth – that the environment is evolving rapidly and we must act urgently if we are to do our part in stopping it.

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