Time travel has been a captivating concept ever since its place was established among the most beloved science fiction tropes. Its appeal lies in it being a story device for connecting events in some other space and time. And now, an international team of researchers has given people access to time travel, albeit in a simulated version.
The researchers from Australia, Italy, and France have used a technique reminiscent of modern AI, called “Stable Diffusion Image Synthesis” (SDIS), to create simulated time travel. In order to do this, the team created a framework which allows them to build a model of their surroundings and then use the technique to create realistic images from the past, present, and future.
The SDIS technique is based on a mathematical model that simulates the way light travels as it reflects off objects. By inputting various parameters into the model, the team was able to create realistic artificial images by extrapolating the level of light and color of an object or scene in a given moment.
Using the technique, the team was able to recreate images of a room, both with and without someone in it, in various points of the day. They then created a virtual environment to simulate how the room would look over the distant past, present, and future.
The team says the technique could help to extend the reach of historical data and make it easier to study the past. In addition, it could be used to help plan for the future.
By studying a future that has been previously simulated, it’s possible to determine possible paths for people to take, and even identify potential pitfalls.
The technique could also be used for creating characters for realistic computer games and other motion-picture endeavors.
However, for now, the technique’s potential is limited by the number of parameters that the mathematical model requires in order to create a hyperrealistic image. Despite these limitations, the researchers say the technology is an important step towards true time travel.
The group assures us that, while it will still be a while before actual time travel is achievable, thanks to the development of this technique, simulating it is now possible.