Netflix Might Bring Its Games to TVs in Effort to Get People to Actually Play Them

Netflix Might Bring Its Games to TVs in Effort to Get People to Actually Play Them

In recent years, Netflix has moved beyond its original streaming content, releasing a variety of video games, from the wildly popular Stranger Things to newer titles like Survive the Night. Now, the streaming giant is looking to take its gaming offerings to the next level by potentially bringing its console video games to the TV.

This shift in focus may seem odd for a brand so entrenched in streaming content, but it could make sense in the larger picture. As more people turn to streaming services for their gaming needs, Netflix could use its brand recognition to get people to actually play its titles.

At the moment, Netflix offers an impressive selection of its own games with titles across multiple genres. These range from back-catalog favorites like some Pac-Man titles, to more recent releases like the highly-anticipated Resident Evil 2 remake.

While the games are currently available for PC, mobile, Nintendo Switch, and PlayStation, it’s unclear how many gamers are actually taking advantage of Netflix’s gaming library. Part of the problem could be the platform: streaming or downloading the games can be a hassle for gamers accustomed to picking up physical games or downloading them through their Nintendo or PlayStation network accounts.

If Netflix wants to really drive engagement from its gaming titles, bringing them to the TV could be the way to go. After all, it’s the one platform that almost all gamers are familiar with and it’s convenient to access. The thought of being able to pick up the controller and become directly involved with the game is a compelling one.

Netflix has the resources available to make this happen. The Netflix app already works on devices like Apple TV and Roku and the company has experience with game consoles, as it’s been developing games for consoles like the Nintendo Switch.

Plus, while the company has had success with its own TV shows and movies, it hasn’t had a hit game yet. Having its games on the same platform as its streaming content could give Netflix the impetus it needs to put its gaming offerings on the map.

It remains to be seen how and when Netflix will make the move to bring its titles to TVs, but the potential implications are intriguing. If Netflix is successful in this move, it could create a new gaming experience for gamers and broaden the company’s horizons.

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