Xbox VP’s goal to bring Activision Blizzard into a “culture of diversity” is easier said than done

Xbox VP’s goal to bring Activision Blizzard into a “culture of diversity” is easier said than done

In November 2019, Xbox’s vice president of gaming Dirk Grunwald expressed his goal to bring Activision Blizzard, a video game company focused on the development and publishing of games, into a “culture of diversity.” According to Grunwald, this means making sure that the game giant “becomes an inclusive workforce and an inclusive community.” However, accomplishing such a lofty goal may be easier said than done.

Grunwald’s proposed plans for making the Activision Blizzard gaming environment more inclusive for players and creators alike include meant creating an incubator of sorts for game developers to help them develop their skills and giving teams the resources to truly be part of the player community. Additionally, he has proposed building tools for team-building, creating a larger presence in the industry, and increasing visibility for underrepresented developers and players.

Though Grunwald’s plan is noble, bringing Activision Blizzard into a “culture of diversity” is no easy feat. It is difficult to assess the current makeup of its workforce since the company only publishes limited information about its workforce demographics, but recent reports indicate that Activision Blizzard isn’t exactly a beacon of diversity and inclusion. Moreover, in response to the dismissal of Blizzard’s esports director at the end of 2019, many criticized the company for excluding female representation in the higher-level positions, indicating the presence of leadership bias.

In addition to the lack of gender parity, the company has also been accused of actively discriminating against players based on their ethnicity. This is especially evident in the company’s online games, which often require players to partake in a series of interviews with recruiters in order to join a team. This can prove an obstacle to players of color, since they may not possess the same network or resources as their white counterparts.

Though these reports are disheartening, Grunwald has the potential to transform Activision Blizzard’s current cultural environment. As he puts further measures in place to foster a more inclusive and welcoming community, more players and developers of all backgrounds will hopefully begin to feel more welcome and respected within the company’s ventures. For example, recently Grunwald acknowledged the need for more diverse options for voice chat in games, as well as the need to encourage more diversity in hiring decision-making. Though there is still a long way to go, Grunwald is taking his mission seriously, and his efforts are certainly a step in the right direction.

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