A Picture-Perfect Christmas Goes Darkly Awry in Horror Short Snow Globe

A Picture-Perfect Christmas Goes Darkly Awry in Horror Short Snow Globe

When it comes to horror films, there is often the expectation of a twisted plot, high levels of suspense and grit and gore, but this is not always the case. Snow Globe, a horror short written and directed by Tich Mangese, takes the traditional motif of a picture-perfect Christmas and turns it into a suspenseful, creepy and darkly comedic story that leaves viewers both gripping their seats and rolling on the floor laughing.

The story follows three young film makers, lost in a blizzard during the night of Christmas Eve. With their car broken and all hope fading, they stumble upon a mysterious snow globe, and make their way inside, desperate for shelter. What they find is a seemingly tranquil, magical winter wonderland, filled with happy citizens and the Christmas spirit.

But as they soon find out, all is not as it seems. The citizens have a sinister agenda, and the magical snow globe contains some dark secrets, in the form of a grim, twisted truth that lurks beneath the surface.

The pacing of Snow Globe is just as important as the story itself, gradually building tension and suspense until it reaches a crescendo of horror and comedy, with unexpected twists and turns in the third act. Everything about the world of the snow globe is meticulously crafted, from the art and set design to the wonderfully macabre soundtrack.

The characters in Snow Globe are surprisingly well-developed for a horror story, with tangible personalities and great dialogue. They are more than just victims of the horror, adding their own brand of humour and deadpan wit to the proceedings.

Overall, Snow Globe is an excellent horror short, combining suspense and comedy in a one-of-a-kind, unique setting. If you’re a fan of horror, then this short is a must watch. It’s a great representation of the unique possibilities of the horror genre, and a truly captivating story.

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