Amazon Bans Flipper Zero, Claiming It Violates Policy Against Card Skimming Devices

Amazon Bans Flipper Zero, Claiming It Violates Policy Against Card Skimming Devices

The good news for online shoppers is Amazon has taken proactive steps to protect customers from potential online fraud. On March 5, 2021, the online giant announced that it had banned Flipper Zero from its marketplace due to the product’s violation of its policy against card skimming devices.

Flipper Zero is a tiny card-size device developed to allow users to store and retain personal or financial data and passwords. It also allows users to securely unlock encrypted data without needing to enter a password everywhere they go.

The ban, according to Amazon, was prompted by concerns that the Flipper Zero could serve as a tool for perpetuating fraud. Amazon claims that the device could be used to perform card skimming operations and potentially capture customers’ card data, a serious violation of Amazon’s policy against the practice.

With the increase of cybercrimes targeting large companies, Amazon wants to ensure the safety of its customers at all times. The company is increasingly dedicating more resources to fight crime and fraud on its platform.

The recent ban of Flipper Zero also signals a shift in Amazon’s stance on card skimming devices. In the past, the online giant had allowed third-party vendors to sell such products via its marketplace. The ban, however, implies that Amazon is no longer willing to take such risk with customer data and is cracking down on devices and products that put customer information at risk of being skimmed.

The ban is just another example of Amazon’s dedication to fighting fraud and protecting its customers. As one of the most popular online shopping destinations, it is important for the company to remain vigilant in its efforts to combat cybercrime. With the ban of Flipper Zero, Amazon has shown it is taking the matter seriously and will not tolerate companies that use its platform to facilitate fraud.

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