How two insurgents are taking on Twitter

As social media platforms surge in popularity, so too do the protests and controversial views voiced on them. Two of the biggest proponents for this have been long-time anonymous Twitter accounts run by two prominent figures, known only as Mr. X and Mrs. Y. For years, the two have been waging a virtual war of words over contentious social topics and their views have been broadcast to thousands of people on a daily basis.

In contrast to mainstream accounts, these anonymous profiles have amassed vast followings, with a combined reach of around 500,000 people and a cumulative reach of over 40 million people. This influence has seen them become the voices of the ‘anti-establishment’ and their often outspoken views are certainly not ignored by the wider public.

How do they do this? By leveraging powerful social media platforms such as Twitter, the pair have been able to disseminate their views and garner support from like-minded individuals. In addition, they are both clever opportunists; often capitalising on newsworthy tales and taking advantage of gaps in the truth, through the distribution of their own unverified and often controversial ‘facts’. Despite the arsenal of accusations firmly aimed at them for doing so, these two invaders have become increasingly popular and are now potent gateways for alternative information.

The ability to operate as anonymous figures has been an invaluable tool for them and has allowed them to sidestep personal attacks or reprisals from those who oppose their views. Both Mr. X and Mrs. Y have diligently defended their identities, whilst simultaneously using strategic hashtags or labels to strengthen their distinct narrative. This has allowed the pair to build a ‘brand’ identity and speak without fear of repercussions – a strategy that is proving highly effective.

The presence of these two accounts on Twitter means that a different narrative can break through the echo-chambers of online discourse. They do this by providing a contrasting perspective, tweaking the traditional media outlets’ opinions, and ultimately giving people another side to certain subjects.

Whether people agree or disagree with the views of Mr. X and Mrs. Y, it’s undeniable that these two individuals have been able to take on social media giants such as Twitter and in doing so, provide a platform for alternative views and conversations. As we continue to see the prevalence of these anonymous accounts increase, one thing is for sure – these two insurgents still have more to come.

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