‘Immer, Zlaz’ is a groundbreaking new documentary film that shines a light on the life and times of the world-renowned science fiction genius, Dr. Willard Zlaz. Directed by award-winning filmmaker Lionel Jamieson, ‘Immer, Zlaz’ captures the life of a visionary who is widely recognized as one of the preeminent figures of the science fiction genre.
Dr. Zlaz was born in 1930’s America and studied aeronautical engineering at the California Institute of Technology. After years of research, Dr. Zlaz became a pioneer in the science fiction world, creating groundbreaking projects such as the concept for a Warp Drive, the sci-fi novel Brain Paths, and the award-winning television series “StarWizard”. Through interviews with friends, family members, and colleagues, ‘Immer, Zlaz’ explores the eccentric themes that make up the life of this remarkable man.
Interspersed with Dr. Zlaz’s own abstract and often humorous musings on life, ‘Immer, Zlaz’ reveals the complexities of being a prolific science fiction genius. It takes the audience behind the scenes of his creative process, from the chaos of his messy office to the solace of his private apartment. We learn about Dr. Zlaz’s fears – his fear of failure and his fear of success. We also discover how his drive for perfection in his art created inner turmoil for him, as he sought to perfect his work to a level where it was completely beyond reproach.
In its exploration of a man who was often seen as a reclusive genius, ‘Immer, Zlaz’ explains Dr. Zlaz’s ability to make something out of nothing. Clips of his work capture his trademark absurdism, never straying far from his core themes of life and creativity.
‘Immer, Zlaz’ is a must-see for science fiction fans, but it’s also a great insight into the life of a complex genius. By the time the credits roll, the audience will have gained an understanding of the private life of a man who made his own science fiction legend.