Windows 11 update breaks Start menu for some customization apps – and Microsoft isn’t going to help this time

Windows 11 update breaks Start menu for some customization apps – and Microsoft isn’t going to help this time

With the recent release of Microsoft’s new Windows 11 has come a lot of excitement and anticipation for the new features and improvements it brings. However, some users have found that the update has broken their Start menu and caused issues with third-party customization apps. Unfortunately, Microsoft won’t be helping out this time around.

The updated Start menu in Windows 11 includes new design elements and tiles which give it a more modern look and feel. However, some third-party apps, such as Stardock’s Start10, do not work properly with the new version of the menu, leading to errors and crashes. Microsoft had previously released updates to address compatibility issues with these apps but this time around, the company has simply stated that “We will not be providing updates to address compatibility with these apps.”

This news has angered many users who rely on these programs to customize the look and feel of their computer. While they understand Microsoft’s position, they are frustrated that the company isn’t doing more to help out. Some users have even taken to social media to express their displeasure, leading to the hashtag #NoStardockLove trending on Twitter.

Fortunately, there is a workaround for these issues. Users can uninstall and reinstall the customization apps to get them working again, but it’s a hassle that many would prefer to avoid. Microsoft should recognize that this is a significant issue for users and take the necessary steps to ensure compatibility. It’s unclear why the company isn’t doing more to help, but it’s a decision that has customers scratching their heads.

In short, Windows 11 has broken the Start menu for some customization apps, leaving users in a lurch. Microsoft isn’t doing anything to address the issue either, so users may need to take matters into their own hands. Hopefully, the company will address this issue soon and make sure these apps can work correctly with the updated Start menu.

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