When you’ve got two exits under your belt by the age of 26

When you’ve got two exits under your belt by the age of 26

We’ve all heard stories about successful entrepreneurs making it big in their twenties, but what happens when you’ve bagged yourself two exits before the age of 26? While it’s an amazing accomplishment, it can also be a rollercoaster ride of emotions and pressures you may have never experienced before. Having a taste of success at an earlier age can be both a blessing and a curse.

For starters, there may be pressure to continue outperforming yourself. After achieving an exit, you may wonder whether you can replicate this feat again and how you can achieve greater success than you did previously. It didn’t happen overnight, and it may require striving for an even higher level of excellence and creative thinking to stay relevant.

In addition, you may fear that you won’t be able to top your previous achievements or that you’ll become bored. After the buzz of the initial exit has worn off, you may find that you may have to adjust to the reality that a storming success isn’t inevitable, but it is possible.

When you’ve got two exits under your belt by the age of 26, it’s important to take a step back and manage your expectations. Despite the pressure to perform and exceed your previous successes, take the time to look back on what you’ve achieved and be proud of it. If you’ve reached a level of success that many strive for their entire lives, celebrate it and focus on progressing in the most sustainable way you can.

The pressure of replicating two exits may be overwhelming, but having perspective and keeping your eyes on the prize is key. It’s important to stay positive and and to remember that you can have more than one success. Take the pressure off yourself, trust your instincts and hard work and enjoy the journey. There are bound to be more difficult days, but it’s important to take the highs with the lows. That’s the type of character that’s built when you’ve got two exits under your belt by the age of 26.

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