Respawn backtracks on its Apex Legends battle pass changes

Respawn Entertainment, the development studio behind the immensely popular Apex Legends, recently announced some major changes to the game’s battle pass system. However, after facing significant backlash from the player community, the company has been forced to backtrack on these alterations. Apex Legends, a free-to-play battle royale game set in the Titanfall universe, has been… Continue reading Respawn backtracks on its Apex Legends battle pass changes

Apex Legends Season 18 release date and what’s being added in Resurrection

Apex Legends is one of the most popular battle royale games in the world, and each season brings with it exciting updates and additions to the game. That’s why fans of the game are eagerly awaiting the season 18 release date. The upcoming season – labeled Resurrection – is set to bring a slew of… Continue reading Apex Legends Season 18 release date and what’s being added in Resurrection

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