Extreme Hail Storms Are Wrecking Solar Farms—but Defending Them May Be Easier Than It Seems

Extreme hail storms are wreaking havoc ⁢on solar farms across the globe, posing‍ a⁢ significant ⁣threat to renewable energy generation. These storms, characterized by giant hailstones the size of golf balls⁣ or even larger, are capable⁤ of causing extensive damage to solar‍ panels, incurring substantial losses and ​compromising the efficiency of these farms. However, ⁢recent… Continue reading Extreme Hail Storms Are Wrecking Solar Farms—but Defending Them May Be Easier Than It Seems

All hail the new EU law that lets social media users quiet quit the algorithm

The European Union has just passed a new law that is receiving widespread applause from social media users around the world. The new law permits all EU citizens to opt out of the social media algorithms, overturning the long-standing norm that users must accept the algorithmic product created by social media companies. Social media algorithms… Continue reading All hail the new EU law that lets social media users quiet quit the algorithm

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